
Zodwa to Skolopad: Please leave me alone

Entertainer Zodwa Wabantu is not interested in what Skolopad has to say. 
Image: Via Instagram
Although the beef between Zodwa Wabantu and Skolopad isn't about to die anytime soon, Zodwa has asked her enemy to leave her alone, insisting she's trying to get fame through her.
On Monday Skolopad compared herself to a car, saying she is in the driver's seat while Zodwa is a trailer, who only follows the car. In this case, the car is DJ Tira.
Zodwa, however, has dismissed the comment.
"Tira is my mentor and I am so blessed to have him in my life. I follow R25,000. I follow the money.  If I don't follow him, who should I follow," she said.
She dismissed the idea that Tira is the only person who is part of the driving force behind her success, explaining that she is also always in posters with other performers.
"Tira is a hard worker and a family man. We perform in different places and sometimes we work together. Skolopad needs to find a mentor and someone who will help her to rebrand herself. I'm tired of this whole thing. I have better things to do with my time," said an angry Zodwa.
Meanwhile, Skolopad has said Zodwa must "watch out" because the beef is about to get real.


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